You can help Footnote New Zealand Dance create excellence in dance by joining our family of Supporters.
You can help Footnote New Zealand Dance create excellence in dance by joining our family of Supporters.
Our family of Supporters play an integral role at Footnote.
We are proud to be surrounded by a wonderful group of supporters, who generously sponsor contemporary dance. Join this group of passionate, kind-hearted people by donating to Footnote today.
Your support recognises the creative excellence in contemporary dance produced by talented artists in Wellington and performed all around Aotearoa and beyond.
There are 5 different levels of engagement, so you can connect with Footnote on your own terms:
Footnote Friends: $100+ per year
-Donor acknowledgement and recognition connected to every project
-4 behind-the-scenes newsletters per year
Bronze: $250+ per year
-Opportunity to watch the dancers warm up before a show
-Donor acknowledgement and recognition connected to every project
-4 behind-the-scenes newsletters per year
Silver: $500+ per year
-Invitations to exclusive opportunities
-Opportunity to watch the dancers warm up before the show
-Donor acknowledgement and recognition connected to every project
-4 behind-the-scenes newsletters per year
Gold: $1000+ per year
-A double pass to one Footnote show per year**
-Invitations to exclusive opportunities
-Opportunity to watch the dancers warm up before the show
-Donor acknowledgement and recognition connected to every project
-4 behind-the-scenes newsletters per year
Platinum: $5000+ per year
-The option to have a deeper relationship with Footnote
-A double pass to one Footnote show per year**
-Invitations to exclusive opportunities
-Opportunity to watch the dancers warm up before the show
-Donor acknowledgement and recognition connected to every project
-4 behind-the-scenes newsletters per year
Footnote Dance Trust
ANZ 01-0505-0276184-00
Please use your name as the reference
Bank Transfer
This is our favourite donation method because it avoids credit card fees
If you’d like to donate using a different payment method, then please contact
Your Supporter status will run for a year from the date of your donation.
Footnote Dance Trust – CC33040 – is a registered charitable entity in terms of the Charities Act 2005.
Your donation is tax-deductible.
**At higher levels, a $100 Membership Fee is charged annually as part of your donation and provides Footnote Membership benefits. This also satisfies the IRD guidelines requiring donations to be free of benefits in order that donations are tax deductible.
4 x Anonymous
Katrina Todd
Julian and Lizanna Knights
Dame Fran Walsh and Sir Peter Jackson
Alexandre Pezze and Phillip Orth
Adrienne Bushell
Adrienne Stewart DNZM
Bill Moran
Kerry Prendergast and Rex Nicholls
1 x Anonymous
Nick and Stephanie Francis
Tracey Bridges
Kevin Noble
Gael Webster and Tim Brown
1 x Anonymous
Christine and Jim Pearce
Francis Freemantle
John Ong and Kate Uhe
Richard Aindow
Robyn Cockburn
Roger Marwick and Linda Bain
Trish Hall
Bryna O’Brien
Diana Kane
Suzanne Snively & Ian Fraser
Rebecca Galloway
Bruce Philpott
Kristin and Rod Downey
Roger Hall
Tom and Sarah Horder