Cubadupa: Street Trance
A large scale human installation that fills the street with impactful coordinated movement, performers are drawn from local schools and community groups to move in sync alongside Footnote company members and the wider dance community.
Fragmented mass participation and a shared experience across defined space; this is the joy inherent in Street Trance by Footnote New Zealand Dance. Developed by Swiss-based New Zealand choreographer Emma Murray, Street Trance explores transformation through repetition and over duration.
Creative Team
Emma Murray
Rehearsal Director:
Anita Hunziker
Dancers: Nadiyah Akbar, Georgia Beechey-Gradwell, Oliver Carruthers, Sebastian Geilings, Cheyanne Teka
Community performers: Wellington High School, Te Auaha, Crows Feet, Upper Hutt College, Kāpiti College, Le Dance
Performance Information
Cubadupa 2021 27th & 28th March 2021